The Francis P. Cummins Award is given each year by The Paddy's Day Luncheon Society to a member of the electrical industry for their  "dedication to the society's ideals and principles to bring together each year on the feast day of St. Patrick, March 17, those of Irish heritage and their friends who are part of the electrical industries of the City of Chicago."

1979  Wallie O'Briien

1980  Bill Hogan

1981  Tom Cullerton

1982  Bill Crossey

1983  Harry Hayman

1984  Bob Brooks

1985  Paul O'Reily

1986  Frank Santschi

1987  Joe Duffy

1988  Phil Sweeney

1989  Larry R. Dolan

1990  Joe Keenan Jr.

1991  Bob Rathmann

1992  Ben Budil

1993  Norm Pierce 

1994  Bill Witz

1995  Pat Carroll

1996  Mark Nemshick

1997  Jim Glenn

1998  Bill O'Shea

1999  Jim Maloney

2000  Bill Divane

2001  Tom Hallissey

2002  Jim McGlynn

2003  Frank O'Boyle

2004  Mike Fitzgerald

2005  Wall Hultgren Jr.

2006  Leo Magrini

2007  John Donahue

2008  Kevin O'Shea

2009 Susie Cassidy

2010 Tom Maloney

2011 Lorie Rozewski

2012 Kevin Lynch

2013 Stefan Lopata

2014 Sean Madix

2015 Pat Thornton

2016 Harry Odhe

2017 Jerry McGlynn

2018 Tim Arendt

2019 David WItz

2020 John Prendergast

2021 - COVID

2022 - Rick Jamerson & Ken Bauwens

2023 - Tim Taylor

2024 - Mike Reynolds